What is PhillyOST?
OST is a network of 70 community-based organizations which offer after school and summer programming designed to keep kids safe while parents work. OST also offers positive alternatives to minimize negative behavior.
All youth who are Philadelphia residents and are grades K - 12. In 2014, more than 18,000 children and youth participated in OST programming.
OST programs are located in public, private, charter and catholic schools, churches and community centers across Philadelphia.
Young people need safe spaces and access to positive opportunities to become productive adults. OST offers youth program experiences which help them to be better students, graduate from high school, successfully prepare for college and enter the world of work.
OST is a network of 70 community-based organizations which offer after school and summer programming designed to keep kids safe while parents work. OST also offers positive alternatives to minimize negative behavior.
All youth who are Philadelphia residents and are grades K - 12. In 2014, more than 18,000 children and youth participated in OST programming.
OST programs are located in public, private, charter and catholic schools, churches and community centers across Philadelphia.
Young people need safe spaces and access to positive opportunities to become productive adults. OST offers youth program experiences which help them to be better students, graduate from high school, successfully prepare for college and enter the world of work.