WELCOME to PhillyOST, your one stop shop for information about the Out-of-School-Time (OST) network of afterschool and summer programming! PhillyOST is a communication vehicle for providers participating in the OST network. OST Staff can remain up-to-date on youth development trends, best practices as well as share information in real time. For young people, PhillyOST will help to develop their skills and equip them with many of the tools needed to increase their reach, grow their voice and transform their communities.
PhillyOST is also designed to increase public awareness of the diverse opportunities for young people to thrive and grow when they are not in school. The public will receive a glimpse of the amazing work done every day by skilled adults committed to helping youth be their best self. Join in the celebration of Philadelphia's young people as they adventure to learn, interact, and play.
Go forth and experience PhillyOST: When school's out, We're in!
PhillyOST is also designed to increase public awareness of the diverse opportunities for young people to thrive and grow when they are not in school. The public will receive a glimpse of the amazing work done every day by skilled adults committed to helping youth be their best self. Join in the celebration of Philadelphia's young people as they adventure to learn, interact, and play.
Go forth and experience PhillyOST: When school's out, We're in!
The 2016 Arts Education Fair is an easy way to find arts and culture organizations, programs, and activities in Philadelphia, and connect with those that best fit for your programming needs!
Representatives from over 40 Philadelphia cultural organizations and arts educators will be there ready to answer your questions about their programs, student performances, and other arts education opportunities for every age group, representing all disciplines. The day will also include educational demonstrations and prize package and ticket giveaways! To register, click here.
Representatives from over 40 Philadelphia cultural organizations and arts educators will be there ready to answer your questions about their programs, student performances, and other arts education opportunities for every age group, representing all disciplines. The day will also include educational demonstrations and prize package and ticket giveaways! To register, click here.
TechGirlz is changing the equation!
TechGirlz empowers middle school girls to become tomorrow's technology leaders. Techgirlz put tech directly in girls hands through their free, project based workshops, and aim to eliminate the gender gap by sparking a passion for tech early in girls' lives. To find out more, visit our What's Hot page.
Back-to-School Vaccinations Clinics Now Available

To prepare children for the upcoming school year, the Pennsylvania Department of Health is holding immunization clinics across the Commonwealth now through Sept. 2 to provide vaccines at little or no cost for children through 18 years of age who are Medicaid eligible, uninsured, underinsured, or American Indian or Alaska Native.
The cost is $5 per child (payable by check or money order) for families above income guidelines. No child will be turned away because of an inability to pay.
Parents must pre-register their children by calling 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258).
To find a clinic near you, click here.
The cost is $5 per child (payable by check or money order) for families above income guidelines. No child will be turned away because of an inability to pay.
Parents must pre-register their children by calling 1-877-PA-HEALTH (1-877-724-3258).
To find a clinic near you, click here.
Child Car Seat Law to Take Effect Next Week

Children under the age of 2 will need to be securely fastened in a rear-facing child safety seat under a new state law that takes effect on Friday, Aug. 12.
Under Act 43 of 2016, a child under age 2 must use the rear-facing seat until he or she outgrows the maximum weight and limits designated by the manufacturer. Previously, state law did not specify how the car seat should be facing.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration currently recommends infants should be in a rear-facing car seat until they weigh at least 20 pounds and are at least age 1.
According to existing state law, children under age 4 must be buckled into a child safety seat. Children ages 4-7 must be buckled into a properly secured child booster seat, while children ages 8-18 must be buckled in a seat belt.
Under Act 43 of 2016, a child under age 2 must use the rear-facing seat until he or she outgrows the maximum weight and limits designated by the manufacturer. Previously, state law did not specify how the car seat should be facing.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration currently recommends infants should be in a rear-facing car seat until they weigh at least 20 pounds and are at least age 1.
According to existing state law, children under age 4 must be buckled into a child safety seat. Children ages 4-7 must be buckled into a properly secured child booster seat, while children ages 8-18 must be buckled in a seat belt.
Cracking the Code: Giving More Students Access to Computer Science
Whatever the industry or job sector, there are more computer science (CS) jobs available than there are candidates to fill them. One way we can address this need is by focusing on CS education for women and historically underrepresented groups. Read more here...
Gotta Catch ‘Em All: Using Cell Phones for Disengaged Students
At this point, cell phones are almost everywhere, including high school classrooms. For many students, cell phones are their primary means of connecting to the outside world. Is there an opportunity for educators to take advantage of this? Read more here...
quotes of the week:
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